Roger has just returned form Gosport after the first 2 days as RO.
“After all the recent good weather Sunday’s was appalling with heavy rain all day and blowing a gale from the south giving reaching conditions both up and down the lake.. Monday had the same wind direction, but much lighter with all in top suits. 6 young skippers/mates were thoroughly enjoying both the conditions. Even younger sailors competed in the Choppa race at lunchtime, where these 12” boats with no steering raced the same course with the winner nearly reaching the end before hitting the side.
Cheers Roger

Photo shows the 47 year old Clockwork Orange in tiny 3rd suit sails by Guildford member, teenager CJ Vice racing the Sunday leader, Robert Bell sailing a 27lb ‘Lightning’ in second suit. Photo taken by Gillian Pearson.

Photo shows their start and the wet and bedragled participants. Photo taken by Gillian Pearson.

Photo shows Graham Butler and Graham Bantock trying to prevent their boats hitting the bank after a collision – this was re-sailed. Photo taken by Gillian Pearson.

Photo shows the start of the Choppa race and 5 very excited children. Photo taken By Roger Stollery.

Vane A Results Monday 30 July 2018