The 2023 ICICLE Trophy & Workparty report by Roger Stollery

 Whilst the entry was disappointing initially with only 3 competitors, it was good that this grew to 6 on the day after a round robin invitation to local Marblehead sailors.  As usual the weather did not follow the forecast and was generally very light, fluky but vaguely in the west north-west direction.

Despite the frustration of running into holes on one side of the course, whilst there was wind on the other side, the close racing was enjoyed whether you were at the front or back of the fleet. As the tide was high after the rain a few weeks ago, we did not need the launching platform and launched directly from the steps.  

 Quite a long windward leeward course was set to this direction and there was some very close racing as can be judged from the attached results. Rob Vice sailing his UP was the most consistent having to discard a couple of seconds, whilst Paul Tickner sailing his brand-new GRUNGE had the same number of first places.   Roger & David Cole had a win each in the first and last races respectively and tied for points, which was broken in favour of David with more 2nd places.

We finished the racing just after 2 PM, by which time Alan Viney had arrived and was working on dismantling the mower that we needed to remove to clear a big space in the clubhouse.  It was great that Rob and our friends from Gosport stayed on to help.  First of all everything was removed from clubhouse and decisions were made to throw away what we do not need and had not used for years to leave an amazingly clear floor area, which will make it easier to use in future.  A photo is attached.  In particular the large wooden beams and posts, that were there taking up space for mending the wooden launching platforms were taken away on Roger’s roof bars.  Alan kindly brought some more posts which followed the same path and he took away recyclable bits in his trailer.  With larger elements of rubbish and stuff to be recycled all went in the back of Roger’s car.

In view of the lack of club member support, we have to give a great deal of thanks to Bob & Gillian Pearson for staying on and helping to move the stuff in and out of the clubhouse. Thanks also to Gillian for acting as Race Officer, starting and recording the scores as well as taking the photographs. In addition thanks go to Alan and Rob for making the task easier. 

Do not forget that we have another workparty on Saturday, 29 April for vegetation clearance in cooperation with Marcin, our Polish gardener friend and we hope that there will be a good response to this, whichever class you sail.  Please put this in your diaries and come and help.