The word summer does not really describe the first event in this series, because it was cold with no sun and a biting easterly/south-easterly wind. 5 diehards started racing from the southern control area, but we all found the wind incredibly frustrating when you would tack without doing anything, fall into holes and struggle to keep your boat going in the desired direction.
After 4 races we decided to change to the western control area where at least you could see that the wind appeared to be blowing onshore more consistently. Roger reset the marks with a start line parallel to the bank, which relied on the honesty of the competitors to stay behind the line on the gun. This worked out okay with two windward marks to give different angles of windward beat each time returning to the start line which became the gate.
Whilst the wind was not as variable on this course it was still very variable with very little wind on the starting line. Whereas Roger and Martin were the leaders at the change, birthday boy Martin chalked up a total of 6 wins to win the event easily. However everyone had a go at writing down the scores, which was your obligation if you won a race, with Slieve getting a single chance, David & Alan with 2 wins and Roger 5. Alan will produce the proper scoresheet later, but the total scores were Martin 13, Roger 22, David 34, Alan 35? and Slieve 40 points.
After 16 races we were all were keen to get back into our cars to get warm, but as a bit of a celebration Martin was presented with a couple of bottles of beer to celebrate both his birthday and winning the event.