DF 95 Winter Series Results

This event run at Waldringfield is not a Guildford club event, but was organised and run by Guildford members. Sailing BOTTLE boats on the tidal River Deben adds a new dimension to radio sailing and provided a great spectacle directly in front of the clubhouse. This was enjoyed by many spectators and the public, as well as all the radio sailors and particularly the younger members of the fleet, aged 6 and upwards. Prior to the event there was lots of informal junior sessions, learning to sail these boats and get advice about the basic rules and this showed in the sporting way in which they behaved. Whilst these are only some of the photographs taken by professional photographer Robert Deaves all of them can be seen on Facebook, Waldringfield Sailing Club, BOTTLE boat…
It was great to get back on the water again and despite the small numbers there was some very good racing, wherever you were in the fleet. We were operating from the southern control area, but the wind was not cooperative and persisted in being north-westerly until lunchtime when it backed to the forecast WNW. Then there were much stronger vicious gusts, which gave some exciting downwind legs. Everyone was happy to have won at least one race of the 13 races sailed.
Approaching the windward mark was a problem because the wind there, towards the western steps, was almost non-existent and you had to be lucky to take the wind with you to the buoy to round it. Once round the leading boat often came to establish a big lead and consolidate it on the run and beat back the finish line.
In the very last race we were all bunched together and approaching this windward mark on port and expecting to tack around it, but as we turned through120°, we left the mark still sailing on port! Had there been a collision the rulebook would not have contained any relevant rules to be able to sort this one out!
Initially Martin was dominant, but didn’t win all the races as Peter Dunne having come out to play for the first time won Race 2 by a big margin and in Race 5 it was Les Thorn’s turn win and fill in the scoresheet. After lunch Roger changed boats, but used the same rig to test new technology on board 23 year old BOTTLE boat 2. Actually this was not just to check the range of the new 2.4 GHz, although this worked well, but to keep his hands warm as the muff didn’t have any holes for the old-fashioned long aerial used in the morning.
Strangely the BOTTLE boat started to do well in the stronger gusts despite being shorter on waterline and it was good to be competitive against the DF 95s and actually win a race. Or was it just that the fingers and thumbs were warmer?
Report by Roger Stollery 2021-05-07
This Marblehead open event is the penultimate event of the GAMES series and attracted 10 entries from 3 clubs. Upon arrival there appeared to be no wind at all and when a boat was launched it took what seemed like forever to get to the nearest mark and back. Race Officer Peter Popham delayed the start of racing by half an hour, by which time there was the faintest of air movement in varying directions. The RO set a short triangular course to take into account this variation and set two laps. Those who had practised and had got their sail settings to work gradually pulled away in Race 1 from the rest to such an extent that Roger Stollery’s UP, Phil Holliday’s GRUNGE and Martin Crysell’s PRIME NUMBER had lapped several backmarkers before finishing!
Weed affected Phil in the next, to let Roger win again with Martin Crysell on his tail. In Race 3 David Adam had got his jib setting properly on his QUARK and won from Roger and Martin. David won again in the last race before lunch to head the leaderboard with 11 points, ahead of Martin 12 and Roger 13.
The single lap races in the afternoon helped the pace of the event and Race 5 allowed Martin to win from David and Phil. Race 6 and 7 were won by Roger. At the start of Race 7 his UP and Phil Elford’s UPROAR showing off their boat speed in these conditions and pulled away from fleet having a private battle of their own. In the last race on the day local skipper John Carter sailing a QUARK was delighted to be able to pull away to win from David and Phil.
At the prize giving Roger thanked Peter for keeping us racing in difficult conditions and the rest of the 3 Rivers race team for having the patience to record the results in the very cold conditions.
The final GAMES event for 2019 reaches a climax at the Brass Monkey event at Guildford on Saturday 14th of December, when the main contenders for the Midgley Mug will be Colin Goodman, Roger Stollery, Darin Ballington, Martin Crysell and Phil Holliday and with the Improver’s and junior prizes up for grabs.
1st Roger Stollery Guildford UP 10
2nd David Adam 3 Rivers QUARK 12
3rd Martin Crysell Guildford PRIME NUMBER 16
4th Phil Holliday Datchet GRUNGE 16
5th John Carter 3 Rivers QUARK 26
6th Phil Elford 3 Rivers UPROAR 30
7th Keith Allen 3 Rivers STARKERS 31
8th Graham Hetem Datchet QUARK 41
9th Dick Grainge 3 Rivers STARKERS 44
10th Hugh McAdoo Datchet F5 62
Dear GMYC members,
In view of the forecast of heavy rain tomorrow morning continuing into the afternoon tomorrow’s ALE is put back one week to Wednesday 9th May, when hopefully the weather will be warmer and less wet! Having suffered the cold north-easterly winds and rain over both days of the ranking weekend in Norwich, I have only just dried out all my stuff and don’t fancy another day in the rain!
As the MERMAID is coming up on the following weekend, on Sunday 13th May the committee decided that the morning of the ALE should be a gardening session to get ready for the weekend. The plan is to start at 10 o’clock and run seamlessly into the sailing at 2 o’clock. As it is a growing time of year the grass needs mowing and we need to make an attempt to cut other vegetation like the brambles with our ‘new’ brush cutter, loppers etc. If anyone has any free time in the morning we would be delighted to see you.
The Notice of Race for the MERMAID is available and shortly will have the MYA online entry set up. This event is not a ranking event and is for ordinary club members as well as those treating it as a tuning event by those going to the Worlds. You would be most welcome to come and spectate if you don’t want to sail as I’m sure there will be some good racing to watch. However, if you do want to sail PLEASE get your entry in early using the online entry system.
Although the weather conditions at the Whittlingham lake, Norwich were very unkind, the racing was good and the Guildford entry did well. It was A rig conditions on Saturday and I surprised myself to be vying for the lead with Brad Gibson and his all-conquering GRUNGE design in the seeding race and finished second with my UP. However, it was Peter’s UPFRONT that dominated the day to count six 1sts, a 2nd and a 3rd and beat Brad Gibson’s unbeaten six-year event record with his GRUNGE. This is very encouraging in view of the Worlds in Germany being only a month away.
There was more wind on Sunday and most used B rigs, with some using C rigs in some of the stronger and gusty winds. In the seeding race I was again seeded with Brad Gibson and am delighted to say that I beat him in a one-to-one racing situation. As this was the first race of the day it was filmed and so I hope to be able to show this when Norwich member Eric Curtis completes his editing. From then on, I went downhill and had a few technical problems, but Peter maintained his performance and came 2nd to Brad ahead of half a dozen well sailed GRUNGEs. Rob Vice was also doing well with some good placings with his UPROAR but had to leave early and he performed better than the results on the Marblehead website show.
Cheers, Roger
New certification material for revised class rules 2018
The EC recently voted for the 2018 updated class rules which are now published and come into effect on 1 April 2018.
Click on Read More (bottom right) for IRSA Website page Link (blue button):