I can report that the work party was very successful today.
Firstly, Marcin and his mate Martin did virtually all cutting necessary of both the hedge and the trees/brambles on the west bank. It was only the hedge cutting beyond the steps that they didn’t have time for and what they did looks fantastic as shown in the before and after PNG photo, which I hope will be OK to go on the website.
Initially, I was concerned that it would be only me at the work party! However Charles came along and was a great support and we managed to convert the clubhouse from the tip into a massive room in which you could walk around and where all of the various parts are neatly organised into boxes and where the ropes are neatly organised in a single box. Charles made up some additional buoys, whilst I brought ashore the 2 top blue marks, which were only just visible from the west bank, cleaned them and filled them with expanding foam, along with the number 6 which had a triangular piece missing on one side. I think that on the last count there are now 9 or 10 buoys afloat and more or less in position.
So it was very successful day, with all the rubbish filling the whole of the back of my car waiting to go to the tip.
Cheers and stay safe, Roger