As you may know Guildford Model Yacht Club ran a very successful Open event for DF 95s last week at our superb sailing water at Abbey Meads, Chertsey. Everyone who came thoroughly enjoyed it! We would like to encourage you and your members to join in our sailing on alternate Wednesdays 10 o’clock till 2 PM.
In particular on 2 June we are offering a very special prize, that every DF sailor will want on their boat! This is new, unique and will help to make sailing your boat easier and more pleasurable.
This prize will be presented to the first placed visitor at the end of racing. This is an ordinary club event that will be carried out in a relaxed manner, but efficient way for which Guildford is renowned.
Please forward this on to your members as everyone is welcome . We would be delighted to see you so please contact Roger on (01483) 421801 for details.